New Year New You: Michelle's Tips for a Brand New Year!
The new year has begun with a bloom of colour in the sky to greet in the new year with a glass of bubbles and new years resolutions set...
''I have worked together with Michelle Mulliss and her team in the care of patients trying to start a family for many years. I have always been impressed with the breath of her knowledge across both traditions of Chinese medicine and conventional western medical practice.
She has a caring and compassionate approach and is an excellent communicator. Patients find her calm and positive perspective very reassuring. With her training and experience across both disciplines, she and her team are able to provide a truly holistic evaluation of the patient and are able to recommend practical and helpful advice to help couples achieve their hope of conceiving'"​
Mr Stuart Lavery Consultant Gynaecologist
Lead Clinician IVF Unit
Honorary Senior Lecturer Imperial College
Director IVF Hammersmith NHS Trust
''Michelle's expertise and credibility is something that I have been aware of for some time and I have personally witnessed Michelle’s caring and professional approach with patients undergoing IVF treatment. Her passion and knowledge of both conventional and traditional medicine shines through for a cohesive approach towards patients general health and their ability to conceive.
Her research and clinical background puts her amongst the leaders in her field and patients have a high regard for her. I respect Michelle’s work ethics and pleased to work alongside her with a view to enhance patients outcomes in the field of fertility"'.
Mr Tarek El-Toukhy Consultant Gynaecologist
Sub Specialist Reproductive Medicine & Surgery
Honorary Senior Lecturer Kings College London
Assisted Conception Unit
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust